Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Guardian identity politics will win in 2024

They are still grieving of course,at the Graun. S Moore:

I spent election night holding my sobbing youngest child. It is not a game to me. Where was the youthquake Twitter was hailing? Where were the queues of voters? In safe seats, it would seem.
Did anyone say Brexit?
All of it went so wrong because, as we knew from Brexit, people vote for action, not the status quo. Leave, not dull remain. This time, they voted for something to get done. Meaningless perhaps, but the bombardment of free stuff from Labour became equally meaningless....[Labour'spositionwas]Get the kids on the streets – and some artists. Continue to ignore Scotland. Talk a lot about internationalism, as belonging is a bit naff... the English problem that produced Brexit could never be addressed...They are tone deaf to the country with their talk of collectivism and internationalism, and their grand gestures.

The cultural bubbles that many of us live in (I certainly do) are woke-ish, liberal and think Tories are evil – like those thick leave voters. We really need to get out more.

So what of the future? A golden glow -- all the leading Labour leader candidates are women:
Last week, I asked for dialogue. I feel Lisa Nandy, Angela Rayner etc are capable of that. Rebecca Long-Bailey is the Corbynites’ chosen one, poor thing, but she is a woman and not from London, so that gives me hope...Jess Phillips is a fantastic communicator....Leave the old men to what they know.
Nothing bubbly or woke-ish about that!

For Z Williams what is required is more of the same

The bitter rows over what was wrong with Labour’s Brexit position are easily resolved by the data: it lost nearly twice as many votes to pro-remain parties as it did to the Conservatives and Brexit party combined.
The answer is not so obvious though:
Keir Starmer has been the face of remain...but he faces the irrefutable charge of not being female....Starmer’s other task will be to persuade members that he’s not a technocratic, centrist, north London lawyer; rather, he’s a political radical who has seen the merit in the Corbyn project and wants to extend it beyond the man.
I think the sex/gender change will be the easier of the two. Can't he just declare himself a woman for the duration?

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