Saturday 18 January 2020

Graun still doesn't get 'negotiation'

The Graun cannot let it lie just yet:

Javid comments on non-alignment with EU prompt warnings of price rises 

Chancellor’s comments represent ‘death knell for frictionless trade’, experts warn

The story begins by noting that this could be 'an opening salvo in the next stage of negotiations,' and naturally wants to support the other side as always:

[The remarks] will alarm business leaders in key sectors including car manufacturing and agriculture...“For some firms, divergence brings value, but for many others, alignment supports jobs and competitiveness - particularly in some of the most deprived regions of the UK,” [The DG of the CBI] said....[The co-executive director of the British Chamber of Commerce] said that while business communities were prepared to be pragmatic about coming changes to regulation, “uncertainty around the extent of divergence risks firms moving their production elsewhere”....[so the Government must] provide substantial support to help firms adapt,” [supporting free enterprise as always] 

The Guardian evidently speed -dialled some of the usual suspects too:

Labour MP David Lammy described it as a “disaster for business”...Andrew Sentance, a former member of the Bank of England’s monetary policy conmittee, described Javid and the government’s new position as “more nonsense”,...Food and Drink Federation (FDF) said that no regulatory alignment with the EU after Brexit could lead to price rises....Chief executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Mike Hawes, also expressed concern

To no-one's surprise, Brussels welcomed the useful idiots;
Last week the European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, warned that the price of non-alignment would be friction in trade....Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator has also warned [about the usual things]
To the new petite bourgeoisie, negotiation means sitting down and being polite and reasonable, policing any nasty male signs of 'aggression' or disagreement, being sure that a suitable version of common sense will prevail. It is life as an agreeable university seminar about the environment where we can all walk away with a warm glow having agreed to vote against Sin.

Elsewhere, an item arguing that the British press really are more negative than positive about M Markle. Clear evidence for racism, no doubt.
Guardian analysis appears to support claim Duchess of Sussex receives more critical treatment than Duchess of Cambridge
This is how the study was conducted: 
The main analysis is based on articles which appeared in the news and comment sections of 14 UK print editions where the accompanying headline included the terms “Meghan”, “Meg” or “Sussex” between 18 May 2018 - the day before the Sussex’s wedding - and 14 January 2020 and were sourced from ClipShare.

Articles were categorised by three individuals [Guardinaistas?] as “positive”, “negative” or “neutral” depending on the tone of the headline and article the phrasing of the story.
An equivalent search covering the same time period was carried out to capture headlines which included the terms “Kate”, “Catherine” or “Cambridge”.

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