Thursday 23 January 2020

GUardian shows signs of return to real politics

S Moore has been one of the better Graun commentators (still not saying much). After years of peddling virtue-signalling utopian Islington cultural politics, she takes a new turn:

Boris Johnson is a chameleon, constantly changing. Shouting about austerity and neoliberalism is no way to defeat him
For all the thousands of words I have written criticising this ruthless, amoral being, it is stupid not to recognise what he has achieved....The left’s response that [his policy] is simply a retread is an insult to voters’ intelligence. [She has argued this before, to be fair]  It is also a refusal to deal with the present. Shouting about austerity and neoliberalism may have felt righteous, but it was never policy. 

And this
parts of the left and the remain crew really misunderstood the pull of Europe. There are the holidays in Tuscany – and there is the Europe of the far right and mass youth unemployment. Even the laudable Erasmus scheme really only involved tiny numbers of people. The EU never meant to one constituency what it did to others.... Talking down to voters really doesn’t cut it.

She displays an unusual interest in military strategy and conflict. It's normally Sun Yat-Sen, whose greatest hits have long been available bite-size, but this is someone more classical --Sun Tzu. Wikipedia tells me that '[His] book has also become popular among political leaders and those in business management.'
As the Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu said: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear … but if you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.”

Overall -- not bad, bit New Agey, and still much too focused on political personalities.

Thank goodness for signs that hte Graun is not entirely abandoning us altogether:
Please, stop putting weird products like crocheted tampons in your vagina

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