Monday 6 January 2020

Saying good bye to Europe

A long list of Grauny folk  telling us what they plan to do in the precious few months left before they cease to be EU citizens. Far too long to summarise properly so here are the highlights:

I will continue my discrimination claim against the government body that I worked for, using the fair laws from the EU that cover workers’ rights before they are rewritten and possibly withdrawn by the Tories to exclude holiday pay or disability support...I might also look for a new, less xenophobic family.

I’ll try to visit as many of my EU friends whom [sic] are dotted across Europe whilst it is still practical to do so [trains are going to be terminated at Dover] .

I am going to move to one of the smaller EU27 countries that has an accelerated route to citizenship for highly qualified or skilled workers. Several of the eastern EU countries have this – Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia, for example.

I’m going to spend the year telling my European friends and colleagues that I love them and that Scotland needs them to stay....I’ll be making a special effort to be kind to folks. 

I love this country but now it feels mean and I feel like I’m wandering in a wasteland.

Become a German. Odd? Not really – I have come to know Germans quite well and know that they are very open and generous people who can not understand why the Brits have gone off the rails so radically.

I’m using my last year of freedom of movement, as a British citizen at least, to become a legal resident of Germany and then hopefully one day regain the rights I am about to loose [sic]  due to Brexit.

Thanks to Brexit, I won’t be able to easily keep doing the seasonal work I love doing, because the likelihood of receiving a work permit as a non EU national is slim to none

I shall be applying for Irish citizenship so I can retain all my rights as a European that have been taken away without so much as a please by the nut Brexiteers... Showing a blue British passport as you queue with all the other non-Europeans would be the last straw.

Acquire Dutch citizenship, at all costs....Apart from this, we hope to start a collective of musicians and artists to challenge the destructive myths of our society [So -- Islington's not bloody good enough for you!]
And just one who is prepared to cope
We operate as a family within the need of a visa-required world and find it a little inconvenient but accept it for what it is: those countries’ rights to control their borders and refuse entry or pack off home anyone they see as a threat to their security or a threat to them from serious criminal activity, including one of the most liberal countries in the world, Australia!!!

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