Friday 10 April 2020

Eurobonds and NICE guidelines

More on the EU crisis from the Graun
Hoekstra  [Dutch Finance Minister] tweeted: “The [European stability mechanism] can provide financial help to countries without conditions for medical expenses. It will also be available for economic support, but with conditions. That’s fair and reasonable...."We are and will remain opposed to Eurobonds. We think this concept will not help Europa or [Netherlands] in the long term.”...The Dutch parliament has backed its government on its approach, with politicians warning that anti-EU sentiment would be inflated in the wealthier member states as well if the electorate concluded that their money was being misspent.

[the Italian prime minster Giuseppe Conte said] “It’s a big challenge to the existence of Europe,” ... “If Europe fails to come up with a monetary and financial policy adequate for the biggest challenge since world war two, not only Italians but European citizens will be deeply disappointed.”
Ventriloqual populism in both cases, of course as  the electorate/citizens are spoken for.

Elsewhere, the Graun might just be getting the hang of the differences between formal equality and informal inequality:
The Nice guidelines on who to keep alive aren't pragmatic, they're discriminatory 
Toynbee should be told.The story focuses on disabled people:
Last week, one man tweeted that his brother, who lives in a care home with limited mobility and a cognitive disability, went to hospital with a chest infection but didn’t make “the pandemic-led prioritisation cut”. He died a week later....a GP practice in Wales issued “do not resuscitate” (DNR) forms to a small number of patients, ensuring that emergency services would not be called should they contract coronavirus and their symptoms worsen. One adult social care provider has said that three of their services have been contacted by GPs to say that they have deemed the people they support should all be DNR....the terms “learning disabilities” or “Down’s syndrome” have been given as the reason for “Do not resuscitate” orders.... That might be falsely equating support needs with “frailty”, or adopting a blanket policy that withdraws treatment from a whole group of people rather than basing decisions on each individual’s needs and choices
And a hint of the impression management that can help those in the know:
I have seen disabled people take to social media to list their achievements, as if trying to make the case that they are worth saving.
The social class dimension has not been grasped yet, and Lukacs might be right in saying that the way ideology works is that the bourgeoisie (all fractions) can never spontaneously grasp class dimensions, but require to have them shoved up their noses (that wasn't Lukacs)

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