Sunday 5 April 2020

They just didn't think it through...

Finger-waggers are having a good time everywhere, including the people trotted out on the BBC every day. M. Hancocck 'instructing' us to stay at home was a highllight.

The police are always a receptive host for these tendencies.Having been caught once (see blue lagoon post below), I need to be cautious --but these were reported in the Observer so they must be true:

Senior officers are seeking even wider powers, including fining parents if their teenage children breach the lockdown

On Thursday, emergency legislation granted police new powers that allow officers to issue £60 on-the-spot fines or even make arrests for breaches of the UK’s coronavirus lockdown rules....The parents of young adults who break coronavirus lockdown rules should be sanctioned,..checkpoints have been put in place at beaches and other locations to try to stop people travelling there to walk their dogs or exercise.

But there's a fierce kind of joy in this:

[Ken Marsh, the head of the Metropolitan Police Federation] said that enforcing the measures could be “very challenging” particularly if officers had to arrest a person who refused to comply with the coronavirus measures, while following the government’s guidance to stay two metres away from other people: “Its going to be very challenging if they turn around and say: ‘Bugger off’ because, firstly, we’re meant to be two metres from them.”

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