Thursday 2 August 2018

A deal might be close -- so panic!

A nice rumour in the Guardian and elsewhere today, hastily denied by all parties, that a deal with the EC might be in sight, a so-called 'blind' Brexit. 

Anti-leave group fears ‘blind Brexit’ postponing key decisions would be worse than no deal

I can see the benefits, not least for the weary politicians involved who will be able to kick the can down the road and retire. It might even make political and economic sense while  preserving propriety all round -- Mrs May will have delivered a legalistic form of leaving, and the EC can claim that punishment and retribution are still on the cards even if delayed a bit.

Remainers want a second referendum of course, which they hope will deliver a firm Remain vote. This possible blind deal has even produced:

a rare criticism of the European commission... the EU [EC = EU as ever] should not offer May a face-saving deal in which many of the major issues were deferred for negotiation during the transition after the UK has legally left the bloc...A vague deal on future relations is more likely to be acceptable to May’s MPs, and harder for the Labour party to oppose.

An MP said: “A blind Brexit is being talked about because some see it as a short-term face-saving deal for both the British government and the European Union, both of which are now terrified that concluding with a failure to agree a deal will result in a humiliating no-deal Brexit."'

Enthusiasm for the imagined utopia of 'Europe' might turn out to be stronger among Remainers than among the EC itsef! Not even the EC can be trusted to preserve the Faith!

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