Thursday 23 August 2018

The Return of Rankin

A rather more detached and analytic Guradian piece on Tuesday -- written by J Rankin, of course, by far the most informative and the least concerned to just bang on and on or spit bile at the old upper classes.

Talks between the UK and the EU are to become 'continuous' we are told, instead of sporadic. How much time must have been wasted away before then, despite all that finger-wagging about the clock ticking?

There seems to be little actual agreement on the economic stuff, so little to report. Rankin still does not confine herself solely to panicky stuff but notes that:

May’s soft Brexit plan poses significant challenges for the EU, which is deeply wary of handing any competitive advantage to a large economy on its doorstep, or doing anything to undermine the EU’s common rulebook and legal system.

So economic interests are involved? Britain might actualy gain some competitive advantage? All this must be strange reading indeed to the Graundina reader in the agreeably gentrified street, aiming to stock up on tins of tomatoes.

There is even some 'balanced' (in terms of space at least) reporting of the UK Government's take:

Later this week Raab will set out more details of the government’s no-deal plans, but has rejected reports there could be shortages of medicines. “As you will see when we set out our plans, some of these hair-raising scare stories are very far from the truth and I look forward to explaining the context on Thursday.”

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