Monday 6 August 2018

Remainer eats red meat

Panic seems to be rising in a column in the Guardian today as some of the political realities  appear.

J Harris leads with saying 'A stack of Brexit impact reports from local authorities obtained last week by Sky News identified a catalogue of dire consequences...'.

However, the usual pleas for a GNU/second referendum etc will probably not work:

Ukip is back in the polls, and has newly strengthened links to the far right. A couple of weeks ago, I was in Boston in Lincolnshire, the town whose 75.6% vote for Brexit made it the most leave-supporting place in the UK. Many of the people I spoke to were already convinced that Brexit was doomed, and full of talk of betrayal. Some of what I heard was undeniably ugly, though much of it was based on an undeniable set of facts. People were asked to make a decision, and they did. The referendum was the one meaningful political event in millions of voters’ lifetimes, and we were all assured that its result would be respected. Whatever the noise about a second referendum, this is the fundamental reason why the likelihood of Brexit interrupted remains dim.

Faced with this impasse, Harris advocates:

one imperative above all others: the defeat of the zealots who saw the dismay and disaffection of so many potential leave voters, opportunistically seized on it – and now want to pilot the country into a post-Brexit future that is completely inimical to their future.  

The hatred brewing inside the bellies of the new petit-bourgeois journalist tendency is out in the open: 

Two things pull together some of the most notable members of this coalition: personal wealth sufficient to ride out Brexit with ease, and increasingly evident ties to Steve Bannon, the former strategy guru to Donald Trump, who is now spending half his time in Europe and plotting the arrival of something called The Movement, a pan-European populist organisation.. [NB The link to Bannon also leads eventually to a wonderful piece on cultural marxism as an unwitting source for the New Right!]...a rightwing politics that has decisively left behind any semblance of moderation, and fully embraced the reckless mindset of the revolutionary...the City outfit Rees-Mogg co-founded in 2007, and from which he makes a great deal of money, is so unimpressed with Brexit-related “opportunities” that it has set up two investment funds in Ireland...odorous whiff of the hypocrisies and deceptions that tend to come with privilege, and the sense of Brexit as yet another chapter of the class war....a cadre of moneyed wreckers cynically manipulating a mess of resentments that their own politics triggered back in the 1980s, cheating their way to victory... If we want an end to the fear and anxiety that currently define the national mood and a future worth living for, these are the saboteurs who will have to be crushed.

Dear me! And in the Guardian too! Classic moral panic stuff, but no real need for any analysis of ideology here. Caught between reckless upper class manipulations of grievances, and working class grasp of those grievances, the new middle classes can only offer a revenge fantasy.

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