Saturday 10 August 2019

Brexit behind summer storms?

The GRuhn has a major story that nearly fails to link to Brexit --  power cuts:

left people stuck in trains for up to nine hours and cut electricity to almost 1 million people in England and Wales.[It] was caused by problems at Little Barford gas-fired power station in Bedfordshire and Hornsea offshore wind farm off the coast of Yorkshire, which both failed at around the same time.
We are nearly half way down the story before we get this:

Manuel Cortes, the general secretary of the Transport Salaried Staffs Association, said: “We urgently need answers over this fiasco...As we face the growing prospect of a no-deal Brexit it’s reasonable to wonder if this is a foretaste of things to come. Along with an economy sliding towards recession and expected food shortages, we now seem to be a country where blackouts happen without warning, travel grinds to a halt, traffic lights stop working and – terrifyingly – hospitals are left without power.”..He added: “Boris Johnson can’t remain silent over this – he must quickly provide answers and illumination.” [very apt in the circumstances]

Another story concerns the storms affecting events all over the UK. Guardina readers will be horrified to learn that :

Music festivals and smaller events have been cancelled because of the bad weather. Boardmasters, a surfing and music festival in Cornwall...A second music festival, Houghton, in Norfolk, was called off...Organisers of Bristol’s International Balloon Fiesta scaled back the event...Several weekend LGBT+ pride events, including those in Chester, Milton Keynes and Plymouth, were postponed over safety concerns....The first day of Blackpool Air Show, on Saturday, was cancelled...The nearby St Anne’s International Kite Festival was also cancelled....The London Wildlife Festival, scheduled on Saturday and Sunday at Walthamstow Wetlands, was cancelled...Nantwich Antiques Market in Cheshire was cancelled...At the National Eisteddfod of Wales, organisers of the week-long cultural festival closed part of the event early

God -- the misery goes on and on. But absolutely NO comment on the implications for and of a no-deal Brexit! Surely someone in the office could have seen this as a metaphor? Why is  Johnson not being urged to act? Where is old M 'chippy' Kettle when you need him?

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