Monday 12 August 2019

Transitive hate diverted on to old target, but a womanly GNU will save us

The Graun leads (yes leads) its website with an 'Exclusive' [sic] story about a speech by N Farage which: 'attacks Harry and Meghan, [and] jokes about 'overweight' Queen Mother', and is none too kind about Prince Charles either. The theme of his remarks seem to be jeering at the 'woke'. I suspect about half the country at least do that, so the Graun could well have shot itself in its poor mangled foot again by publicising Farage's remarks. 

Elsewhere, the Graun admits that criticism of royals might be widely shared, but has its own account of the reasons, of course:

The outpouring of bile against the Duchess of Sussex has been impossible to miss in recent weeks, whether it is stories of her contributing to human rights abuses through eating avocados, or opinion pieces criticising her for guest editing Vogue or being ‘snobbish’. But many commentators have noted another tone to some of the criticism, one of misogyny and racism... [This despite the]... rich history of intense tabloid criticism that most members of the monarchy have been through in recent years. 

The Graun is amazingly flexible -- Unionism and now monarchism. They give space to C Lucas's latest scheme too:

I’m calling for a cabinet of women to stop a disastrous no-deal Brexit 

 She apparently has in mind recruiting:

Heidi Allen MP [Ind], Kirsty Blackman MP [SNP], Yvette Cooper MP, [Lab] Justine Greening MP [Con], Sylvia Hermon MP, [Independent Unionist] Liz Saville Roberts MP, [Plaid] Anna Soubry MP [Change], Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Jo Swinson MP [Lib] and Emily Thornberry MP [Lab]

With herself as PM? Sturgeon is not even an MP of course. The others over-represent various minorities to a considerable extent, and are all Remainers as well as all women [as far as it is politic to enquire].

Identifying Johnson's elevation as a right- wing coup enables her to reassure us that such a move:

is not an attempt to replace one coup with another...A government of national unity must do exactly that – unite parties. And I believe that a cross-party cabinet of women has the potential to do exactly that...Because I believe women have shown they can bring a different perspective to crises, are able to reach out to those they disagree with and cooperate to find solutions...We then need to press the pause button in order to organise a confirmatory vote...

After a GNU, a weasel:

It also means a commitment that, as politicians, we accept the outcome of that fair, transparent and informed vote, even if it delivers a result we do not agree with.

Presumably, we judge the fairness and transparency of the vote by its result, like we did with the 2016 Referendum, so no way can it ever deliver a result she does not agree with. She must know this is really an empty gesture that only el Guran would bother taking seriously.

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