Thursday 15 August 2019

Gnus agenda -- latest hats in the ring

Supporters of GNU are struggling a bit. First C Lucas's plan to set up an all-woman Cabinet has been torpedoed by someone pointing out she had not invited any BME women. Even if she did, that would still leave out trans, differently-abled, specific difficulties womx: the Cabinet room would be too small? The other problem might be that some would be Leavers.

Next, Corbyn suggested that he lead a caretaker GNU to get Brexit extended and organise a new referendum. He has to be placated because only the Leader of the Opposition can table a no confidence vote in the first place. Today, other egos seem to want to block that:

Rebel Conservative MPs have agreed to meet Jeremy Corbyn to discuss how to stop Boris Johnson pursuing a no-deal Brexit, without committing to backing him as a caretaker leader....Jo Swinson, the Lib Dem leader...dismissed the idea of Corbyn leading a caretaker government as “nonsense” as she claimed the Labour leader would not be able to build even a temporary consensus...In contrast, SNP, Plaid Cymru and Green MPs said they were willing to talk to Corbyn...Anna Soubry, the leader of the Independent Group for Change (formerly Change UK), told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Thursday: “I would not support a government of national unity that is led by Jeremy Corbyn...Many Tory backbenchers and some independents are likely only to be willing to back a centrist candidate and not a current party leader... a “trusted figure” such as Ken Clarke or Hilary Benn would be better.

Meanwhile,luvvies are outraged that Johnson has said that Parliamentary opposition to no deal is a collaboration with the EU. 

His argument is that the EU will not offer any concessions if it believes parliament will stop a no-deal Brexit, and as such he claims that MPs opposed to no deal are actually making it more likely...“There’s a terrible collaboration, as it were, going on between people who think they can block Brexit in parliament and our European friends,” he said....“And our European friends are not moving in their willingness to compromise, they’re not compromising at all on the withdrawal agreement even though it’s been thrown out three times, they’re sticking to every letter, every comma of the withdrawal agreement – including the backstop – because they still think Brexit can be blocked in parliament.

Perfectly obvious to everyone now, surely -- Remainers do not even bother to hide their discussions with the EC. But that word is offensive, apparently, 74 years after World War 2, and that bossy woman on Newsnight ran with it for several minutes, asking people if it was right for the Prime Minister to call their colleagues 'collaborators'.  God knows what the young made of it. It did use to make the old guys smile when Government urged HEIs to collaborate, but still offensive? The subjunctive mode is not understood, reservations and conditionals ignored, and unspoken suspected implications only detectable by the woke are what counts of course. They also reserve the right to introduce new insults when needed.

It falls to K Balls to point out that this outraged virtue-signalling  might help Johnson :

With a parliamentary majority of one, No 10’s focus is a likely autumn election. Its aim is to win over the public, not MPs

Meanwhile,Graun news values are still to the fore, thank goodness, with this:

Skunk Anansie's Skin: I was irritated when Beyonce said she was the first

First black person to headline Glasto that is. Skin ('born Deborah Anne Dyer)' has a new album to promote and a career to revive.

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