Wednesday 7 August 2019

Met worries about standards

The Graun's lead is a rehash of the Times article yesterday about whether 'Parliament' could stop no deal, pitting Grieve against Cummings. There are the usual textual shifters of course.

Grieve, a former attorney general... [Cummings quoted as saying] “I don’t think I am arrogant. I don’t know very much about very much. Mr Grieve … we’ll see what he’s right about.”

There is also an echo of an old Project Fear piece from a senior Met copper, 'Britain’s head of counter-terrorism', N. Basu:

Counter-terror chief raises ‘deep concerns’ as key crime-fighting tools will be lost

Basu thinks 'key crime-fighting tools would be lost and their replacements would not be as good.' That change from 'will' to 'would' implies that discussions are ongoing about replacement agreements, which Basu confirms, but he adds confidently "that any plausible change would be for the worse".

The three key measures are fast access to intelligence and data through the Schengen Information System II database, as well as passenger name records, and the ability to use European arrest warrants....[Astonishingly] there is no contingency planning for not being given passenger name records....“It would create an immediate risk that people could come to this country who were serious offenders, either wanted or still serial and serious offenders committing crimes in this country, and we would not know about it. It creates that risk....“With my police leadership hat on there would still be deep concern. There would be some damage to our safety. I can’t put a scale on that.”.

While he was there, Basu commented on Johnson. The Gudr puts it as :

Amid controversy about comments by Boris Johnson such as saying women who wore the burqa resembled “letterboxes” and using the racially offensive term “piccaninnies”, Basu said: “Every public figure who’s got a microphone and has got an opportunity to speak should take the opportunity to be bringing society together....“The most important thing everybody should be aiming for is a socially cohesive, inclusive society.”...Asked if he would allow someone to join the police if they had used such langage [sic], Basu said: “No, they wouldn’t be recruited into policing.”

Who introduced these 'comments' I wonder and why did a senior copper rise to the bait? Lovely to hear that the Met wants social inclusiveness though.That might help it overcome its own current PR problems with Operation Midland, where they believed a fantasist alleging widespread paedophilia and murder among senior Establishment figures, spent a lot of money on the investigations, and saw the case collapse with the fantasist jailed for 18 years for possessing indecent images and perverting (sic) the course of justice.

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