Friday 11 October 2019

Fears of a deal

There is apparently some optimism (pessimism for Remainers) following the talks between Johnson and Varadkar. Even D Tusk has tweeted (no doubt) to that effect

'I have received promising signals that a Brexit deal is possible' – live news

And in more bad news:

Pound jumps over $1.25 and bank shares soar on Brexit deal hopes – business live

I Hislop once pointed out that similar news of Trump's achievements produced an ambivalent reaction, however -- we were pleased we were not about to go to war with North Korea, but sorry that a Trump initiative had worked.

The Graun finds the best way out of this dilemma:
Breaking the mould: Leo Varadkar is no typical Irish politician
The gay son of an Indian immigrant has rebalanced [!] his country’s relationship with Britain...when the two met in north-west England on Thursday, in private, away from journalists and the usual panoply of summitry, Johnson was forced to look up to Varadkar, both literally and metaphorically...The taoiseach would have got straight down to business.

It's a triumph for the gay community:

Varadkar...has loosened up since coming out as gay in 2015...“Coming out changes everybody,” said Tiernan Brady, an LGBT activist who advised Varadkar.

Guardian Person beats Tory Knob. There is one note of caution, right at the end as usual:

“Varadkar’s personal political interests have diverted from the national interest,” said Dan O’Brien, the chief economist at the Institute of International and European Affairs. “His political career could be ended by making a concession on the backstop. Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin would come down on him like a tonne of bricks. It’s never a good idea for a leader to be painted into a corner.”

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