Thursday 31 October 2019

The mayor and the pole-dancer: latest*

Some early campaigning as the Graun still sees mileage in the story of the Mayor of London and the pole-dancing  former model American entrepreneur. There is some classic textual shifting. Shouty headline first

Johnson knew of potential conflict of interest, says Arcuri

US businesswoman says Boris Johnson was also aware of her links to Libor-rigger Tom Hayes

No need to read on, surely? Got the bastard! Just a small problem a few paragraphs down:

But Arcuri again denied she was given any favouritism by Johnson or his agency and even claimed that at times she felt shut out because of her friendship with the mayor. She said: “He knew there was a potential for conflict, and this is why he never did anything.”

Further down still:

Arcuri told Bloomberg that she had told Johnson how upset she was at Hayes being prosecuted after his arrest in 2012. She recalls the then mayor saying: “Look Jennifer, the world is full of bad men, be careful.”

The favouritism allegations over Arcuri's inclusion in a Mayor-promoting organisations' trade trip is also a bit of a damp squib:

[She] expressed frustration that Johnson would not help her. “I was going insane with Boris. I was like, ‘Dude, what is your deal?’ … The mayor’s team made things very difficult. But I was just not going to take no for an answer. Why should I not get to go to Singapore because I was friends with Boris?”

What exactly is the beef then? He knew there was a potential conflict of interests -- and did not help her, the cad! He also knew she had links to a dodgy banker -- and warned her off 'bad men' . The headline could equally have read:

Johnson refused me assistance because of potential conflict of interest, says Arcuri

US businesswoman says Boris Johnson warned her about associating with Tom Hayes, who later rigged Libor

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