Wednesday 16 October 2019

More cautious language from accountants for ProjectFear

The Graun keeps up the pressure, even while talks seem to be going on among sherpas in tunnels at a border in the English Channel (I may have confused a few stories here).Scary (sub)headline as usual:

Whitehall’s spending watchdog report concludes UK faces significant, unpredictable risks 

there could be freight delays, more crime and fewer checks on migrants in the event of a no-deal Brexit, a critical report from Whitehall’s spending watchdog has found.... there are significant, unpredictable risks which could lead to chaos at the UK’s ports.

Is this actually what the auditors said? Surely a supporting quote is required?

auditors said the government acknowledged that the operation of the border would be “less than optimal” in the event of no deal....“It is impossible to know exactly what would happen,” it says.

Bit of a difference with the Graun's gloss then, but we can explain that the report was necessarily 'Couched in the cautious language of an auditor'. As opposed to the incautious language of a journalist?

Meanwhile, the Graun editorial might be shifting on to its next moral crusade, perhaps beginning to think that Brexit is exhausted, maybe even that, heaven forbid, a deal might happen and leave them with much less virtue to signal

Today the Guardian is making a pledge to our readers that we will play our part, both in our journalism and in our own organisation, to address the climate emergency. We hope this underlines to you the Guardian’s deep commitment to quality environmental journalism, rooted in scientific fact.... we believe the Guardian’s specialist team of reporters, editors and writers has a vital role to play in working with our readers to understand the unfolding climate crisis and all its ramifications.

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