Monday 14 January 2019

GUardina attempts balance*

And not before time. They have permitted a Brexiteer MP to make a cse, although he supports May's deal, which is probably as far as they can go. His case is quite hard-hitting for the Gruniad though:

MPs voting down May’s Brexit deal are the elite revolting against democracy

 instead of respecting the mandate of the British people, many MPs appear intent on overruling it.

What we will probably see on Tuesday with the vote on the withdrawal bill and amendments around it won’t be an example of parliament “taking back control” from Brussels or government, but parliament usurping power from the people they are meant to represent....I think the reality one has to face at this late stage is not between a bad deal and a “good” leave, but between this deal and no deal, potentially a second referendum and no Brexit, with the economics and political uncertainty to follow. 

As it stands, too many MPs are telling our electors: “When we told you we would respect your opinion on our membership of the EU, we didn’t mean it.” There is no greater proof that Britain is becoming a European state than our elites demanding the people vote again because they do not approve of how the vote went the first time round....I listen to Tory remain leader Dominic Grieve’s legal pedantry and my heart sinks...His legalistic approach may be impressive, but he has only one emotional aim, and it is to overturn and ignore the wishes of the people of this country. A fine legal mind is being deployed in the pursuit of undermining our relationship with our voters and damaging our democracy...While some Labour MPs do have principled objections, the majority appear engaged in a crassly opportunistic attempt to bring down the government, despite having nothing to offer and no new ideas....But, of course, challenge any of the obsessive remainers plotting this week’s coup, and they portray themselves as martyrs. Ask them why they ignore the mandate that was given to us and we are accused of bullying. Ask them to explain themselves and they hide behind precedent, or say in mock sincerity: “Well, we’re taking back control, isn’t this what you wanted?”... Those on all sides of the House of Commons who try, against our manifestos, against the promises we made, to undermine Brexit are not martyrs. They are representatives of an elite that is trying to block Britain leaving the EU...They are not “taking back control”. They are usurping power. This is a revolt of the elites against popular democracy.

Perceptive, especially for a Tory. Remainers are not an elite, I insist but a class struggling to come to (cultural) power - -the new petit-bourgeoisie. 

There is still no explanation of the passion and emotion felt by Remainers either. Here they are, threatening to rebel against their parties, trying to use obscure Parliamentary procedures (with the help of the Speaker) to block Government business, ready to risk all --why fer Chrissake? Is it just ideology, without any material interest? Semi-articulated class interests -- and if so, why is it focused on 'Europe'?


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