Tuesday 22 January 2019

Irish border --latest

In the Guarnida:

No-deal Brexit would mean hard Irish border, EU confirms

Spokesman says it is ‘pretty obvious’ border controls would be needed under no deal

So the priorities are now clear.After all the pious bleating about the Good Friday Agreement, the EU will impose a border in the name of trade regulation:

The EU has confirmed it will enforce a hard border on the island of Ireland in the event of a no-deal Brexit, despite the risk it would pose to peace....In comments that will be highly uncomfortable for Dublin, Jean-Claude Juncker’s chief spokesman told reporters it was “pretty obvious” that border infrastructure would be necessary if the UK were to leave without deal.... So of course we are for peace. Of course we stand behind the Good Friday agreement but that is what a no-deal scenario would entail.”

Meanwhile, on the Parliamentary coup front:

Two Labour MPs [Lammy and Phillipson] campaigning for a second EU referendum have said they have no choice but to work with the Liberal Democrats and other politicians openly critical of Jeremy Corbyn’s policy on Brexit in the hope of eventually securing a vote. (Guardina) . [And] Phillipson said she wanted the Commons to vote on a second referendum only when it had a chance of succeeding. “I want to make sure when we get to the point when we want to secure a referendum, it is a time when we have the greatest prospects of success.”

Surely a case to withdraw the Labour whip?

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