Friday 18 January 2019

Polly pecks at old people

P Toynbee seems to have finally succumbed to intolerance and despair in the Guarnida yesterday. She says that tomorrow will see the day when more young people join the electoral register than old people leave it (by dying), hence 'This is the day, in theory, when the country turns remain'. As a result:

The true “will of the people” looks considerably more questionable if it turns out to be the will of dead people – not the will of those who have the most life ahead of them to face the consequences'. 

All her past campaigning seems to have been replaced by just the one policy -- wait for the oldd to die and then they can be ignored. The current batch of MPs will have been elected by some of those now-dead people too, of course -- so shall we recall them?

She thinks there is a swing to Remain (confirmed by today's YouGov polling), but  is still worried, as are they all, that Leave might win again after another successful campaign:

It’s right to fear how much further they might go in the case of a second referendum, always wrong-footing a painfully fact-based gentler remain campaign. I like the remain campaigners’ self-mocking and unshrill homemade placards on their upbeat Ode to Joy demonstrations: “Brexit – is it worth it?”, “This doesn’t seem very well thought through”, “Let’s call the whole thing off”, “CakeNotHate”,”I want to have my gateau and share it”, “I want my continent back”. Will the remainers be up to the bare-knuckle bloody fistfight of a bitter second round? Factual rebuttals are so much harder to explain than crude bare-faced lies.

I don't remember that 'gentler fact-based' description, I must say. She points to the llie about the bus as ever, but that was preceeedd by a lie about the EU paying for loads of facilities. Implict racism about Turkey was an excuse to label all Leavrers racist, stupid, ignorant,narrow etc. Leave politicians wer personally abused -- by P Toynbee as well.  Typically for metropolitan luvvies, she likes the posters!

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