Sunday 27 January 2019

More fake news --from the Observer!

Similar techniques in today's Obsever to those used in its stablemate el Guradino. Eg headline:

UK firms plan mass exodus if May allows no-deal Brexit 


Thousands of British companies have already triggered emergency plans to cope with a no-deal Brexit, with many gearing up to move operations abroad if the UK crashes out of the EU, according to the British Chambers of Commerce....the BCC said it believed companies that had already gone ahead with their plans represented the “tip of the iceberg” and that many of its 75,000 members were already spending vital funds to prepare for a disorderly exit

But then:
in recent days alone, it had been told that 35 firms had activated plans to move operations out of the UK, or were stockpiling goods to combat the worst effects of Brexit.[my emphases]

Then a mention for the latest no Brexit heroine, further puffed, together with support for the other amendments coming up -- interestingly, that piece starts with reminding us that:

The local MP, Labour’s Yvette Cooper, led lengthy campaigns to save both [below] . She sought investors and EU state aid [and did she get any?] , met ministers and executives and fought for fair redundancy packages and skills training for those affected. But the campaigns to keep the power station and pit going were ultimately doomed.
Back to the first piece, we are told that now:
Labour MP Yvette Cooper has revealed to the Observer that two major employers in her West Yorkshire constituency – luxury goods manufacturer Burberry and confectioner Haribo – had both written to her, warning of the damaging effects of no deal on their UK operations.


European commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has warned Theresa May in a private phone call that shifting her position in favour of a permanent customs union is the price she will need to pay for the EU revising the Irish backstop.

Juncker supports Labour!

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