Friday 19 April 2019

Labour dilemmas

Tricky issues discussed in the Gruandnin today, as support for a PV seems to be waning again (GNU might be coming upon the rails once more, maybe in a softer version, 'cross-party talks'). Indeed, Brexit coverage generally seems a bit low, displaced by climate change protests, the symbolism of Notre Dame, and controversies about whether Trump can still be vilified, even though Mueller found no smoking gun. I hope these will remain at the fore and give the millenials some new causes to champion.

Meanwhile, some Labour MPs have written to Corbyn saying he should not demand a PV as the price of a deal with the Tories:

[There are] “deep-seated reservations about a second referendum”, which they believe would be “divisive but … not decisive”.[ie they might not win]...others are worried this would lose Labour support in some of its leave-voting heartlands [they might be deselected]... “It is unrealistic, for a whole range of reasons that don’t need to be rehearsed here, to expect the prime minister to whip Conservative MPs to back a deal that includes a second referendum. It is simply not going to happen.


About 30 to 40 Labour MPs are thought to be strongly opposed to a second referendum, while more than 80 are actively campaigning in favour of one.

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