Monday 15 April 2019

Operation Fear Mk ? god knows

OK, so as a survey of proper news will reveal to any future historians, May has actually come clean and abandoned 'no deal'. She  has an extension from the EC to June 30. Remainers can breathe easy that 2 deadlines for leaving have passed, without much protest. I've only read one piece (in Briefings for Brexit), that questions why an apparently legally-binding date of leaving (9th March) was so easily bypassed in the end. Extension is now rightly taken to be a prelude to revocation or PV (smart opinion is still divided, with GNU seemingly left behind now that 'Parlliamentary revolt' has done its job).  

In these circumstances it is down to el Gurdnian to keep up early pressure in the background with a rerun Operation Fear. Today's is a good'un:

Dangerous products could swamp UK after Brexit, warns Which? 

Public at risk from delays in identifying unsafe goods if UK leaves European safety system
Child playing with slime. 

Lovely use of a hitherto dodgy term 'swamp'. Other good textual signifiers are pressed into service, with the photograph underneath the headline and its subhead:

A boy playing with slime. Recent alerts have included a toxic children’s putty that could damage youngsters’ reproductive systems. Photograph: Dmitriy Shironosov/Getty Images  

That is, they used a stock photo rather than any illustration of any actual harmful goods. Shockingly the Gurdanaia seems to have had no hesitation in assigning the contested term 'boy' either, obviously on the basis of a few distressing stereotypes about children's  differential activity  related to gender.

At the very very end:

Martyn Allen, the technical director at Electrical Safety First, said that after Brexit: “If no agreement between all contributing member states is found, the UK may be disconnected from Safety Gate [current EU system] ...“For consumers, the best way to keep yourself protected from faulty products is to make sure you register any electrical goods you purchase with the manufacturer.”

On other fronts, Operation Fear might have had a bit of a setback:

UK property market ‘in line for summer Brexit relief rally’ 

 Dividend income for holders of UK shares jumps to record £19.7bn 

Both of these are good news for el Gudrina and her readers, of course.


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