Sunday 28 April 2019

Labour jumps on bandwagon

The Observer splashes the news that Labour is backing the moral panic about climate change, thanks goodness. It is the only sensible way to unite Brexit northerners and remaining urban identity warriors --the latter have something else to do. Clever old Corbyn.

Corbyn launches bid to declare a national climate emergency

Labour will attempt to force Commons vote as it is revealed that the government has failed to spend anti-pollution cash 
Jeremy Corbyn’s party will demand on Wednesday that the country wakes up to the threat and acts with urgency to avoid more than 1.5°C of warming, which will require global emissions to fall by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching “net zero” before 2050....The move will place Conservative MPs under pressure to back the plan, or explain why they refuse to do so, now fears over the combined problems of air pollution and climate change have risen to the top of the political agenda.
Above all, as a clincher:
The motion was welcomed by Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist who has criticised the inaction of the world’s politicians. “It is a great first step because it sends a clear signal that we are in a crisis and that the ongoing climate and ecological crises must be our first priority,” she said. “We can not solve an emergency without treating it like an emergency.  

Uniting themes and rationalisations are also possible, so for moralists it's all one fight really, and they might even have guidance in rank-ordering their concerns (although they have never worried about that before) :

Lamy [Former Director of WTO] will say: “It is vital that any new trade deal or environment treaty between the UK and EU protects the region’s global leadership position on climate change. Without safeguardsto [sic] ensure strong continued cooperation and alignment, Brexit could destroy environmental protections – well beyond allowing chlorinated chicken imports.”

It's not yet settled for Labour though. There is this

Angry Labour activists threaten European election campaign boycott

Local parties angry over Corbyn’s perceived lack of support for second referendum

And this

As the local elections loom, Oxfordshire voters echo one theme: ‘politics is a farce’

Voters in Abingdon are weary with the trauma of Brexit and disillusioned with all parties

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