Tuesday 26 November 2019

BBC tries to nix flak

Not long ago, it was Labour vacillation on supporting a Parliamentary plot  to stop Brexit that threatened us with the Black Death, expensive strawberries and eternal winter. No apocalypse now though. Now it is an election. P Toynbee on a Tory win:
That means exit from the European convention on human rights, and exit from civilisation. The BBC expects no mercy
The only hope is:
a progressive alliance, which would choose its priorities together.
Well, its only priority is to stop Brexit. Mind you, Toynbee has done me a service by reading the popular press.It seems to be they who keep banging on about getting Brexit done which explains the endless solemn analyses in the Remainer press and on the BBC and C4 news that that is all a monstrous lie believed only by cretins. As one ideological pole forms, it calls into being its equal and opposite as Fleet Street dog growls at Fleet Street dog. Almost a fake binary one might call it. That's the collapse of civilisation for you -- thin binary ideologies. I blame the vocational turn in universities.

I think it quite understandable that the BBC is wetting themselves after their ludicrous Newsnight tantrums and constant backing of lame horses in the national interest. They might feel the need to grovel their way back into some sort of acceptability:
The BBC has claimed it made a “mistake” in editing a clip where it cut out an audience laughing at Boris Johnson, insisting the decision was made due to time constraints rather than political bias.
Of course,they will now upset the other side of the binary:
The discrepancy was spotted by Nick Flaks, a resident of Brighton...Flaks said the whole thing could have been avoided if the BBC had not made the edit: “I wholeheartedly support the BBC and the idea of public broadcasting in general. However, I think that in recent years, particularly the news/politics department have sacrificed accuracy on the altar of ‘impartiality’..
It is a classic BBC ploy where rival opinions are published so they can claim to be 'in the middle'. Standards are falling even there, though --  'Nick Flaks' is just too close to Nix Flak

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