Sunday 10 November 2019

Serious dilemmas -- which virtues to signal?

B Cohen in the Observer has attacked so many politicians for not listening to him that he is in a real spot -- how to actually vote. It is a problem:

The only way, it seems, to stop one extremist in #NeverNeverLand is to vote for another....the Jewish Chronicle asked all citizens to walk in the shoes of British Jewry and not vote for Jeremy Corbyn....[But]... In many constituencies, the only way to stop Brexit is to vote for the Labour candidate, assuming he or she is an honourable pro-European, which, looking at the thugs and fruit loops Labour is offering the citizenry, may be an assumption too far. may be an assumption too far....

Tactical voting looks unlikely to dent the primitive tribalism of the voter:

Elsewhere, the Lib Dems will fight to destroy the few decent members of the parliamentary Labour party left...Labour supporters, meanwhile, will punish the Lib Dems for austerity rather than stand aside in the interest of removing Jacob Rees-Mogg in Somerset or Dominic Raab in Surrey....Millions will reluctantly say #NeverCorbyn and support Johnson, while accepting that he lies as easily as others breathe....Millions will reluctantly say #NeverBrexit and support Corbyn, even though they know he is an ally of racists who has supported Brexit since entering parliament. 
The propaganda of emotional blackmailers is already everywhere.

In the Observer quite a lot since 2106, one might think. As a sample today, quoting Democrats in the USA:

Trump was a pornographic slob, a sociopath and a clear and present danger to the US constitution, they warned. Every word was true.

At the end:

We are about to elect a parliament of freaks and fanatics. If, however, enough Lib Dems, Greens and nationalists win, they can act as a blocking minority that will limit Johnson or Corbyn’s worst excesses. But there I go, playing fantasy politics.

As usual, it is the voters who are inadequate and should just listen to the wise:

It is as if large sections of the population have reverted to childhood and must learn all over again that there are no fairies in our #NeverNeverLand, only monsters.

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