Sunday 3 November 2019

PV splinters and we are all doomed. Doomed I tell ye!

The PV campaign (movement?) seems in difficulty as faction threatens faction, and this threatens in turn a possible Graun/Obs-supported last hope -- another hung Parliament:

The civil war engulfing the People’s Vote campaign has derailed the tactical voting exercise crucial to delivering a second Brexit referendum, senior campaign figures have claimed.

It all looks a bit nasty -- of course, millennial [sic] cults always end in bitter splits and warring sects as hopes for the Great Rapture fade
There are now accusations of locks being changed and staff claim they feel intimidated, with the split showing no sign of being resolved.... Scores of staff have now signed a letter to Rudd saying they do not want to return under the current management and alleging a “concerted campaign to intimidate, isolate and victimise staff”. The letter states: “The staff’s priority is to safely return to our workplace without further delay so that we can continue the campaign. Staff have been unable to get into the office as locks have been changed without prior notification or explanation.”

It's a problem knowing which Remainer plastic duck to back in the river race, or, in another dubious metaphor:

there were about 30 seats where the People’s Vote was planning to back Labour candidates, but where the Best for Britain site is backing the Lib Dems, and nine where it was expecting to back Labour candidates, in which the Best for Britain site advises voters to vote for anyone. There were more than 60 seats where the People’s Vote model was waiting for further polling evidence before making a recommendation, where Best for Britain is backing the Lib Dems....“The team was taken off the pitch ahead of one of the most important weeks in this whole process..."

There is a dark artish methodological dispute too -- who knew?

[Tweedledee] uses the technique which predicted Trump’s election, the hung parliament in 2017...[but the Tweedledums] believe using a number of different pieces of data, including previous election results and local factors, is a better way to make accurate and independent assessments.

Tweedledee has a longer piece in the Observer too.It starts with an old platitude borrowed from the BBC:

The BBC knows it’s doing something right when both Brexiters and Remainers shout “bias” during the news. The stakes are similar when producing a tactical voting tool in a general election. Hopes and fears are running high among the different tribes and, for them, any suggestion that another party might hold the key, anywhere, to a better outcome is sacrilege.

She meant Labour and Lib Dems, both of whom have to hold to their claim to be able to form a majority government of course. Strangely, this seems to have slipped  in ahead of the Popular Front/ GNU single-issue campaign to stop (Tory) Brexit . Here are your dark arts:

To achieve accurate, up-to-the-minute recommendations, we have used a technique popular among pollsters called “multilevel regression and poststratification” – MRP for short....The MRP we have used was undertaken in the last couple of weeks, with a statistically enormous sample size of 46,000 voters. [Expensive -- must have been online then?] ...With such a large sample, we are able to drill down into individual constituencies.

No statistics are needed for the Editorial.A crystal ball seems good enough (goat entrails are forbidden to veggies). We can surely support another classically negative single-issue -- Stop Johnson!

What is happening in Britain today shows how extraordinarily quickly the rot can set in. Our political honour code is breaking down, unleashing a race to the bottom that the good men and women who sit in parliament can only watch unfold with horror....delegitimisation of our sovereign parliament...insidious populism...barefaced lie...Vote Leave also broke the law on campaign funding....[we shall not forget]. Anonymous government sources have stooped as low as briefing that there would be lynchings and killings if there were a confirmatory referendum. They have briefed out blatant untruths...misleading parliament and voters...Johnson is openly undermining parliament in order to avoid democratic scrutiny

They've missed out the lie on the bus for some reason. It will all end in misery and dictatorship, rising sea levels,expensive strawberries, soggy tomatoes, a tiresome application procedure for visas, English women forced to marry only English men-- God knows what else.
This goes beyond Brexit. Every committed democrat should be appalled at the prime minister’s tactics. They risk undermining trust in democracy 

Apparently,MPs greet any speech by I Blackford (SNP) with cries of 'We're all doomed' in a cod Scottish accent (younger readers might need to have explained this reference to the popular old TV Sitcom Dad's Army).

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