Monday 25 November 2019

Cheesy leitmotifs

Same old stuff on Brexit not getting done by Dec 12, so don't vote Tory you morons, even by the relatively insightful J Rankin in the Gruan today. They really need a new ideological leitmotif for the Election but may have fired all their shots already. Amateurs!

Meanwhile, the millenial world must be shaken by this:
Halloumi hell: how will we survive the cheese crisis?
A lengthy article in the GRu tells you all you wanted toknow about halloumi and then much much more. That includes sneering at plebs who eat the sort of halloumi you get in Nandos -- nothing like the real thing connoisseurs buy in Cyprus. It also predicts shortages of other crucial foods like avocado. However, the Gr editors must have had a heavy weekend campaigning because none of these shortages are blamed on Brexit

On TFB, a useful piece on European identity from a leader of Pour un Frexit de Gauche

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