Wednesday 12 June 2019

Parliamentary coup latest

Fresh talk of a Parliamentary coup, apparently organised by the most unlikely partnership of J Corbyn and O Letwin ( Y Cooper left out this time?)  is greeted by the Grudian today in an editorial:

MPs will vote on Wednesday to seize control of Commons business later this month to remind the candidates for leadership of the Tory party that parliament does not want a no-deal Brexit and that it has the means to frustrate it. This is an unprecedented parliamentary swerve – an opposition day motion has never before been used to suspend Commons rules. This sensible [no risks?]  measure is aimed at blocking Boris Johnson’s plans, a point gleefully grasped by his rival Rory Stewart. Parliament, when it chooses to exert itself, remains decisive and constitutional crises are resolved in line with a Commons majority [well-- and ultimately with an electoral majority. Very slippery for liberals these democratic majorities] 
The EU has already told us what to do, after all, but:
memories appear short on the campaign trail, with candidates for the job of next Conservative prime minister falling over themselves to promise to achieve what Mrs May could not with the same parliamentary arithmetic...a revival surely depends on the qualities of leadership found in the next PM: to set the tone, fix a deliverable agenda and articulate the party’s viewpoint to maintain the illusion of unity. None of the 10 candidates so far has given outside observers any hope that they could bring together a divided Conservative party, let alone a factionalised parliament.

Particularly weirdly in constitutional terms:

The Brexit treaty negotiated by Mrs May was between the United Kingdom and the European Union. One might have thought it – or something close to it – would have to be offered by her successor.  [Successors are never bound by their predecessors, I always thought]

What might justify this transparent wriggling -- my old quest for reasons strong enough to do all this strategic manoeuvring:

Most MPs rightly think crashing out of the EU would be an economic disaster. They correctly foresee trouble in Northern Ireland. Politicians do not want to put the nation in a position where it has to serve up the NHS to Donald Trump because the UK has lost access to European markets and now needs access to one in the United States.

And there is always hope that the old unicorn is not dead:

The candidates all say they want to leave the EU and have thought through all this. If they have not, then given the rising chances of a general election or a second referendum, they will only be winning to lose.

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