Monday 3 June 2019

Project Fear (again) or business as usual?

Contrasting views over the impact of a no-deal Brexit ( 'crashing out' is still the preferred term). First, signs of a rumbling Project Fear Mk 125 in  el Garundino:

No-deal Brexit would be economic lunacy, say UK manufacturers
Stephen Phipson, the chief executive of Make UK, which represents 20,000 British manufacturers, said it would be “the height of economic lunacy to take the UK out of the EU with no deal in place”...A survey of 344 Make UK members found that a balance of only 6% of manufacturers had increased investment in the second quarter of the year, the lowest level since the final quarter of 2016, in the aftermath of the EU referendum in June....“Earlier this year there was clear evidence that industry was on steroids as companies stockpiled. Underneath, however, there is now growing evidence of European companies abandoning UK supply chains, while Asian customers balk at the unknown of what may exist as the UK leaves trade agreements which operate under EU rules.”

Meanwhile, I have been a subscriber to the Briefings for Brexit for a while but refrained from quoting much of their material. But the latest edition says:

Project fear is slowly unravelling. ..Unbelievably, Airbus have announced that they will continue production in the UK irrespective of the outcome of Brexit. This is of course excellent news for Airbus workers in the UK, but no apologies have been received from Airbus for the important role played in Project Fear (or from the BBC which played up what was always an implausible story). Meanwhile the CBI have taken down their website page in which firms expressed fears about border delays which are no longer likely and in which the Ford Motor company said that no deal would no longer disrupt its just in time production. 

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