Thursday 20 June 2019

Toynbee nearing critical meltdown as the Beeb wriggles

Teh Graun had to cover the scandal about the dodgy iman on the panel for the Newsnight-inspired 'debate' among Tory contenders, but it was a bit tucked away. As yesterday's blog showed,GHiardian writers were quite keen to repeat the iman's words to goad Johnson.

Sources quoted by the Times, Telegraph and Mail [everyone except the Graun then?] claimed that some of the campaigns were unhappy with the BBC’s handling of the event, and were threatening to boycott future debates hosted by the corporation, such as a planned episode of Question Time with the final two candidates....But it was the aftermath, involving scrutiny of the people who asked the questions, which left the BBC justifying the right of members of the public to ask questions on television regardless of their political backgrounds [Really? The BBC gave in entirely and regretted their decision and one Radio 5 announcer apologised]

Hilarious from two organs that have led the movement to ban anyone with views that make millenials feel vulnerable. The iman's tweets are not really that scandalous, but the Beeb has made its bed among the woke:

It subsequently emerged that Patel had previously tweeted: “Every political figure on the Zionist’s payroll is scaring the world about [Jeremy] Corbyn. They don’t like him. He seems best suited to tackle them!”,,,He also tweeted a map of the US, suggesting Israel should be moved there as a solution to the conflict with Palestine...In another tweet, Patel said women needed “to be smarter” to avoid being assaulted, saying: “Don’t be alone with a man!”...Patel told BBC Gloucester he did not remember all of his tweets, adding: “I have not criticised the Jewish community … criticism of Israel is not the same as criticism of Jews.”​

The other controversial figure is even more of a victim of thought policing:

Thakar had done some work for Labour before putting him on the programme, but more controversy ensued when it emerged that he had tweeted: “Hitler’s abuse of the term nationalism is, to me a nationalist, the most harmful part of his legacy.”...Thakar apologised for any offence caused, but said he was making a sarcastic comment about a speech made by Candace Owens, a conservative US activist, in which she said: “Whenever we say ‘nationalism’ the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. You know, he was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine.”

The Beeb cannot deal with sarcasm or indirect speech, of course, which it takes merely as a symptom of some deeper underlying hatred.

Speaking about Patel, a BBC spokesperson said: “We carried out background research into the online and social media profiles of all our questioners for last night’s debate. After the debate, one individual reactivated a public Twitter account he had previously deactivated, whose tweets were not visible during our research period. Had we been aware of the views he expressed there, he would not have been selected.”

Rather far from a robust defence of ' the right of members of the public to ask questions on television regardless of their political backgrounds'. My own view is that the people selected represented precisely what the Beeb thinks its audience is or should be -- a Muslim preacher, a young member of an ethnic minority, a Scottish kid agitating to save the environment, an entitled whingeing petit-bourgeois woman from Southampton and an old bloke who had voted for the Brexit party. It should also have included a disabled trans, but the last member was in fact a rather heroic working class woman who did fostering and complained about cuts.

Meanwhile. P Toynbee can barely restrain herself at the success of Boris:

this strange array of men deranged enough to aspire to run a country in an insoluble crisis of their own making.  ... they all lie through their teeth...Yesterday they ejected the only one who tiptoed closer to these truths...Rory Stewart...We watch aghast at the grisly choice, outraged again at being excluded from electing our own prime minister....Our fate is left to a rabble of extreme rightwing revolutionary Tory members who will tear up everything in pursuit of an abstract ideological phantasm....YouGov finds them eager to wreck the union [can't have that, of course -- so ScotsNattery has to be condemned?] : 63% glad to see Scotland go, 59% waving goodbye to Northern Ireland in order to see Brexit take place. But most astoundingly, nearly two-thirds of this erstwhile “natural party of government” are quite sanguine [what did they say exactly?]  if their Brexit does “significant damage to the UK economy”.

Surely anyone reasonable would see the way forward?

Labour should be stratospherically ahead in the polls. Instead, its 14% showing in the EU elections, behind the Lib Dems and only just beating the Greens, shows Brexit blows away everything else, trumping old party loyalties. Pointing to austerity’s devastations doesn’t summon back those lost Labour votes....Fence-sitting has been calamitous: YouGov shows Labour has lost half its 2017 general election votes – a third to remain parties and 11% to Brexit parties. As the YouGov founder Peter Kellner points out, an average of the last year’s polls shows a national swing – with 44% backing leave and 56% remain. This is partly demographic (older, mainly leave, voters are dying while pro-remain teenagers reach voting age [Toynbee notoriously celebrfated that of course]) but crucially the swing to remain is bolstered by Labour voters in the north and Midlands changing their minds....At next Tuesday’s meeting, they will have to move to backing remain. Nothing else will do.

Labour Leavers can be ignored:

Despite 26 of Labour’s MPs writing a letter pleading against a referendum and remain, here’s the question for them: will they really vote for any Boris Johnson deal (possibly a joint Nigel Farage/Johnson deal), and trust this most treacherous man with the crucial next stage of EU negotiations? To back it will be to sabotage the Northern Ireland border and the Good Friday agreement. Surely, come that day, they won’t, they can’t....Labour’s flannelling half-assent to Brexit gives daily aid to enemies of everything Labour stands for. Every day that passes, the less forgiven Labour will ever be by those who have already deserted it and may never come back.

Does she mean herself, a key member of the breakaway SDP that once weakened Labour and let in Thatcher?

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