Wednesday 26 September 2018

Dirty tricks or frank talking at last?

An item appeared last night in the Gruan that seriously pissed off  my Remainer friends,although I thought it was quite amusing (I still haven't come out on FB):

May's plan to give Stormont a backstop veto enrages EU envoys

UK insists on Northern Ireland assembly vote before Brexit border measures can come in

Naturally, the proposal was rejected tout court by the EC/EU, and one claim insists the proposal would be illegal under the Good Friday Agreement! Nothing more has appeared today, so perhaps it was all just a jab in the ribs nudging the case that the EC/EU has a democratic deficit? Maybe it was to counter the usual allegation that the UK has no proposals? That is why Remainer mates were so annoyed?

Meanwhile, overseas interest in Labour Party policy seems to have increased:
EU steps up plans for no-deal Brexit as Labour stance alarms capitals 

Fears in Europe that party’s goal of unseating PM could lead to chaos of ‘cliff-edge’ exit

Apparently, 'the [Labour] party’s plans are regarded as one of the substantial risks to the negotiations.' becasue they might vote down any deal with May.

A leaked document [clearly a dirty trick then] circulated among ambassadors in Brussels before Wednesday’s meeting warns of the prospect of Labour combining with rebel Tory MPs to kill off a deal....[Revealinbgly]...there is growing concern that Labour’s determination to unseat May could instead propel UK into a “cliff-edge” Brexit, throwing the continent into chaos [myemphasis]. [ANd,andevenmore revealingly]...the reality of a no-deal Brexit has also prompted the EU’s member states to go over the head of the European commission and assert their right to take a “political choices” on potential mini-deals with the UK to avoid the worst repercussions of such a scenario, including the grounding of flights between Britain and the EU.

However, France seems to be digging in its heels. The French Finance Minister said:

“I’m sorry to say it so callously: there is something more important for us than the future of the UK, and that’s the future of the EU,” he said. “Any decision that would give European citizens the feeling you can exit the EU and keep all the advantages would be suicidal, and we won’t make that decision.”

Do you mean that the future of the UK is NOT a priority? I thought the EC had our best interests at heart! Once more, UK citizens are being asked to Remain in order to keep Macron in power!


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