Wednesday 19 September 2018

Odds and ends

A chane to tidy up a few issues today. On the prediction by the Governor of the Bank of England that house prices would fall by 30% in the event of no deal for example, a Times columnist clarifies:

some aspects of Mr Carney’s presentation appear to have been misunderstood by those present, in particular the difference between stress-testing the banks for a crash in house prices and actually predicting one.

The same columnist (the Times Economics Editor) also predicts a blind Brexit  -- agreement on the withdrawal (so the EU gets its cash) followed by dealing over trade for at least 2 years (maybe Chequers,maybe Canada)  covered by some bland statement of intent. I think this is likely only because it will let the politicians kick the can down the road and retire. 

There may be rich pickings for this blog in that interval too. What exactly will Remainers lobby for -- to rejoin?

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