Saturday 15 September 2018

Keep up, Guardian!

There still seems to be a strange silence in the Graun on a story that would surely encourage Remainers no end. It was covered prominently in the Times

House prices would crash by a third in no‑deal Brexit, says Mark Carney

Bank governor warns cabinet soaring mortgage rates would wipe 35 per cent off market

Carney seems to have repaid his sponsor, the Chancellor, handsomely in return for an extension to his contract. The prediction made headline news in the Times but it is not just the Grduaina that has reacted with silence. Carney was modelling 'a worst-case chaotic exit.' in a presentation to the Cabinet. Significantly, 'According to one source the governor’s “grim” assessment was not challenged by the cabinet’s Brexiteers during a three-and-a-half-hour special cabinet meeting yesterday.' My guess is that they just don't believe it, because Carney has lost all credibility by his active Remainerist intervention in the Referendum debate, where he was a major exponent of Project Fear.

Carney adds to the doubts of his capability as official doom-sayer today with this:

New industrial revolution may end retirement, Mark Carney warns

Now I am as fond of eccentrics as anyone, but should the Governor of the Bank of England be risking his reputation as a forecaster like this?

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